“Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co”: Berlin’s expropriation referendum successful

“Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co”

Berlin referendum on expropriation successful

Image: Monika Skolimowska / dpa

The initiators of the referendum on the expropriation of large real estate groups in Berlin cheered: on Sunday, enough Berliners gave their approval for the initiative. It is now the turn of the future Senate.

The Berlin referendum on the expropriation of large real estate groups was successful. After counting more than 90 percent of all constituencies, 56.4 percent voted yes and 39.0 percent voted no. According to calculations by rbb | 24, the result will no longer turn even with the votes still to be counted: 3,524 of 3,763 voting districts were counted on the night of Monday at just before 2 a.m.

The necessary quorum of around a quarter of all those eligible to vote had already been exceeded by around midnight: Almost 612,000 yes-votes were required for a successful referendum – after midnight it was already more than 963,000.

Initiative: “Disregarding the referendum would be a political scandal”

It’s about more than 200,000 apartments

Topic in coalition negotiations

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