Exhaustion depression: How Christina Hillesheim overcame her burnout

Christina Hillesheim worked in a publishing house for ten years, until suddenly nothing worked anymore. Diagnosis: burnout. To the star the sociologist explained how she found her way back into (professional) life and what she learned during the crisis about how we deal with stress.

In Germany there are more and more cases of burnout. What do you think: why is exhaustion depression affecting more and more people?

Christina Hillesheim: One reason for the rising numbers of burnout and depression is certainly that there are simply too many opportunities to live out and society has established an enormous pressure to perform. This “higher, faster, further” causes stress and then we look to the left and right to see what our friends are achieving. So you’re constantly trying to keep up and that unfortunately leads to burnout for one or the other at some point.

You once belonged to the group of those affected. When did you realize that something was wrong?

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