Exam in Meseberg: Traffic light wants to boost the economy – politics

Even though the traffic light coalition finally agreed on basic child security after a long struggle a few days ago, the unequal partners continue to crunch. At the beginning of the closed conference in Meseberg, the Chancellor again called on the coalition to improve communication. “We have a very successful performance record last year and this year and it would of course be good if everyone contributed with their communication strategies,” said the Chancellor, before adding a typical Olaf Scholz sentence. “I have the feeling that this exam will help ensure that this can also be successful.”

What is needed, however, is not only a better communication strategy, but also the willingness to work together constructively and to find mutually acceptable solutions. This willingness seems to have been lost. The problems are huge. One of the central questions of the exam is the slack in the economy. How can the economy get going again? Finance Minister Lindner’s (FDP) Growth Opportunities Act is intended to help companies in Germany with tax breaks and a reduction in bureaucracy. 50 tax measures are under discussion, with which companies should be relieved by 32 billion euros by 2028, around seven billion euros per year.

Robert Habeck, Olaf Scholz and Christian Lindner on the first day of the cabinet meeting at Meseberg Castle.

(Photo: Chris Emil Janssen/Imago)

Other topics of the exam – it is the fifth in the reign of the traffic light – are digitization in the health system and the classification of Georgia and Moldova as safe countries of origin for migrants. Safe countries of origin are countries where it is generally assumed that there is neither persecution nor inhuman or degrading treatment and that the foreigner concerned is not threatened with any serious harm in his home country.

At the end of the consultations between the SPD, Greens and FDP, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Lindner want to report on the results at a press conference. It’s scheduled for 12 p.m.

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