ex-president Roch Marc Christian Kaboré freed

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The former Burkinabè president was able to return to his home on Wednesday 6 April. He had been under house arrest since January 24, the date of the military coup that overthrew him from power.

With our correspondent in Ouagadougou, Yaya Boudani

In a press release issued this Wednesday evening, the Burkinabè government specifies that this decision comes after “ consultations started a little over three weeks ago with the former president of Faso “. If the government assures that measures are taken to guarantee his safety, according to relatives of the ex-president, the conditions of this release are similar to the previous ones.

A relative of ex-president Roch Marc Christian Kaboré confirms that he is at home, in one of his residences. We try to know the conditions of this release announced by the government and our interlocutor specifies that only his direct family has access to him for the moment. ” Authorization is required for it to receive a visitor “explains this source. ” It’s confirmed, he’s at home, with security “says a security source without further details.

According to our information, this return of the ousted president to one of his family residences is the result of several weeks of consultation. Some people intervened to convince the former president of Faso to accept the security measures proposed by the transitional government

On March 27, Alassane Bala Sakandé, former President of the National Assembly, and also President of the People’s Movement for Progress, had been arrested after asking for his release. The day before, ECOWAS had summoned the Burkinabe authorities to release the former president in a way “ unconditionally and without delay “. A delegation from the institution was in Ouagadougou at the end of last week to discuss with the government on the subject and the timetable for the transition.

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