European elections: Brussels: Platforms must combat fake news before elections

European elections
Brussels: Platforms must fight fake news before elections

Large online platforms have recently been subject to an EU law that requires them to take greater action against illegal content. photo

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

There is great concern about Russian interference with fake news in the European elections. The EU Commission is now appealing to Google, Facebook and Co.

Large online platforms such as Google, Meta or Tiktok must take into account the upcoming According to the EU Commission, European elections should do more to combat disinformation – especially from Russia.

“The Russian state has embarked on a war of ideas to pollute our information space with half-truths and lies and to create a false image that democracy is no better than autocracy,” said European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova , in Brussels. “The major platforms need to address this risk, especially as we expect the Kremlin and others to take action before the European elections.” A new European Parliament will be elected in June 2024.

Platforms submit report

Google, Meta, Microsoft and Tiktok presented a report on how they have combated false claims over the past six months. According to the EU Commission, companies are making progress by making more data available. However, further efforts are required.

Large online platforms have recently been subject to an EU law that requires them to take greater action against illegal content. The large companies had previously committed to a voluntary code against disinformation. Platform X, formerly Twitter, left the code a few months ago. There are a particularly large number of false claims there, says Jourova.


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