European election campaign: Esken and Klingbeil swear the SPD into a European election campaign

European election campaign
Esken and Klingbeil swear the SPD into the European election campaign

Lars Klingbeil (lr), SPD Federal Chairman, Katarina Barley (SPD), Member of the European Parliament, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Saskia Esken, SPD Federal Chairman. photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

The SPD wants to go into the European election campaign with a duo at the top: the designated top candidate Barley is to be actively supported by Chancellor Scholz.

The SPD chairmen Saskia Esken and Lars Klingbeil have brought their party together European election campaign against populism and committed to social justice. “It’s about a strong Europe,” said Esken at the start of an SPD delegate conference for the European elections in Berlin.

“The upcoming election campaigns will not be easy,” admitted Esken, referring to her party’s poor poll numbers. But they also offer the chance to get people excited about democracy.

Co-chairman Lars Klingbeil said it would be a tough election campaign. With regard to right-wing populists and the AfD, Klingbeil said: “The enemies of democracy have set out.” Klingbeil emphasized: “They want to destroy Europe – we want to strengthen Europe.” Unlike the AfD, the SPD does not want to turn back the clock.

Esken said that the SPD wanted to ensure that the European Union appeared strong and united against right-wing populists. The European elections on June 9th are about a robust democracy and clear rules for corporations.

The Vice President of the European Parliament, Katarina Barley, should be elected as the top candidate – as she was five years ago. In addition, the approximately 150 delegates wanted to vote on their election program entitled “Together for a strong Europe”. The main speeches will be given by Barley and Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who will play a key role in the election campaign. Secretary General Kevin Kühnert announced on Thursday that the two would be “together the faces of the election campaign”.

Traffic light government in low spirits

Barley justified the decision with the role that Scholz plays in Europe. “He is a strong European figure. And that, I hope, will help us,” she told the German Press Agency. His role is very respected in Europe. “A lot depends on Germany. And a lot depends on the German Chancellor. And he brought a lot of positive impulses to the European Union during his time in office.”

Scholz and his traffic light government with the Greens and FDP in Berlin have been in a low mood for months. In polls for the federal election, the Social Democrats are currently at 13 to 16 percent. In the last European elections in 2019, the SPD achieved its worst result to date in a nationwide election with 15.8 percent.

The goal is to significantly improve this result, said Barley. But she didn’t want to give a specific value. “The important thing is that we all put everything into this election and then achieve the best possible result. I don’t believe in painting numbers on the wall at all.”


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