Eulogy on America’s Best Radio Station WFMU – Media

“I dreamed that I was Tristan Tzara, who dreamed that he was me,” was the title of a recent song on the American radio station’s night program WFMU. The piece itself was very hypnotic, a spherical noise that seemed to come from machines, outer space and from deep within at the same time. The name made it even more adorable. And Tristan Tzara himself, after all a co-founder of Dadaism, would probably have had the greatest joy in the way the moderator pronounced the title afterwards, namely without knowing a word of German. He sounded like he was forcing himself to gargle with broken glass, but he pulled through, one sharp syllable at a time. Because the title has to be announced so that the listeners can immediately start Googling what it is about and where the record can be bought.

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