EU relies on eco-kerosene: air travel should become more climate-friendly

Status: 04/26/2023 3:31 p.m

The EU will oblige air traffic to mix sustainable fuels with kerosene from 2025. In order to set further incentives for more climate friendliness, an environmental label is also to be introduced.

From 2025, aviation fuel must be mixed with sustainable fuels. The rate is set to increase gradually over the next few years, initially starting at two percent. By 2050, 70 percent of fuel used in aviation will have to be sustainable. Representatives of the European Parliament and the EU states have agreed on this.

According to scientists, climate-neutral flying from 2050 will not be possible.

more climate friendly alternatives

Synthetic kerosene, which is one of the so-called e-fuels, is considered to be climate-friendly, hydrogen produced with renewable energies and biofuels made from algae, plant residues, animal fats or old cooking oil, for example. Plants that are used for food and feed production, on the other hand, are taboo.

In the future, aircraft will only be allowed to fill up as much fuel before take-off as is necessary for the upcoming journey in order to avoid unnecessary weight and thus additional greenhouse gas emissions.

This was mainly due to a decline in industry – sectors such as transport and energy, on the other hand, emitted more.

EU introduces eco-labels for flights

Also from 2025, an environmental label will be mandatory for flights in the EU. Passengers should find out in advance about the ecological footprint of their trip and be able to compare the offers of the airlines. The guidelines are intended to help the EU achieve its climate goals. According to the European Parliament, civil flights are responsible for almost 14 percent of CO2 emissions in the European transport sector.

The lobby association E-Fuel-Allianz calls the agreement a success for the planning and investment security of the industry. However, the blending timetable remains below the quantities that are technically feasible and necessary in terms of climate policy. The compromise now has to be confirmed by the EU Parliament and the member states – this is usually a formality.

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