Ethereum Foundation reveals! Working to resolve any potential conflicts of interest – Bitcoin Addict

Aya Miyaguchi, executive director of the Ethereum Foundation, said it is developing a formal policy to address potential conflicts of interest. This after two researchers who joined as consultants were paid “over a million dollars” worth of EigenLayer tokens.

“The Ethereum Foundation’s trusted neutrality is essential for us to function in the ecosystem. and we are aware of current discussions regarding potential conflicts of interest. and share community concerns,” Miyaguchi PostIn X on Friday

“It is clear that relying on culture and individual judgment is not enough. And we’ve been working on official policy to address this issue for some time. And we will expedite this and will share updates soon,” Miyaguchi added.

Lefteris Karapetsas, former Ethereum software engineer and founder of Rotki, a crypto portfolio tracker. said The Ethereum Foundation should adequately compensate its colleagues. so that they “There will be no need to find additional compensation from other places.”

On May 19, Ethereum Foundation researcher Justin Drake revealed that Received a “significant” amount of Eigen tokens after recently becoming an advisor to the Eigen Foundation

Such disclosure is in accordance withspeechbetween Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, and Jordan Fish, aka Cobie, regarding a potential conflict of interest between EigenLayer and his employer, the Ethereum Foundation, arising from core developers and researchers in the organization having Advisory role

“The consultation comes with significant EIGEN tokens, which could be worth more than the combined value of all our other assets. (mostly ETH),” Drake said at the time. “We are talking about millions of dollars worth of tokens given out over a three-year period.”

An Ethereum Foundation researcher has pledged that he will “reject” all proceeds to “worthy” projects in the Ethereum ecosystem, whether as investments or donations.

The researcher also noted that he took on the advisory role on the condition that his directives be limited to researching new risks, adding that his public position would continue to be critical of EigenLayer.

Two days later, Ethereum Foundation researcher Dankrad Feist also revealed that he had recently become an advisor to EigenLayer under the same terms as Drake. However, Feist did not mention any similar investments or donations in his post.

“I personally accepted this position. It does not represent the Ethereum Foundation and is focused on risk and decentralization,” Feist said. write

When Drake made the disclosure, he also said that three people at the Ethereum Foundation have official relationships with EigenLayer, with one being an investor and two being advisors.

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