Eric Zemmour loses his temper against Gilles Bouleau at the exit of TF1 news

Eric Zemmour is particularly up against Gilles Bouleau. The brand new presidential candidate on Tuesday evening castigated an “interview with a prosecutor” on TF1, an “intellectual swindle”, accusing the journalist of having “wanted to be smart” during the 8 pm newscast.

“It was an interview with a prosecutor. In front of the others, he (Gilles Bouleau) disappears, politely, humbly, sometimes in a larval way. With me, he turned out to be a pugnacious prosecutor, in bad faith, taking me out of the sentences of my book out of context, ”exasperated the far-right polemicist after leaving the channel, according to images broadcast by CNews and BFMTV.

TF1 defends its journalist

Barely declared, Eric Zemmour appeared tense on TF1 reproaching at the very end of the interview to Gilles Bouleau for not having questioned him about his program. “The journalist has the freedom of his questions, the guest of his answers”, reacted TF1: “Gilles Bouleau conducted this interview without complacency or animosity as with each of his guests”. According to an AFP photographer, witness of the scene, Eric Zemmour got carried away with Gilles Bouleau at the exit of the set.

“Eric is wrong to bring this trial to this television presenter, who could have been much more aggressive than he was,” reacted for his part on BFMTV the mayor of Béziers Robert Ménard, close to the polemicist. “Eric, you don’t remember how we talked to Marine Le Pen on a number of television sets. You are not the only one to be pushed around ”.

“The role of journalists, and I am often a victim, is to push you around, it’s very unpleasant, but that’s how it is,” added Robert Ménard. “Coming from him, who doesn’t hesitate to push others around. I find that there, he has the wrong target ”.

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