Eric Roy regrets that the International Day Against Homophobia “comes to interfere with sports equity”

He had made more than awkward remarks, Sunday, after the victory of his team, Brest, against Auxerre, in a crucial duel for the maintenance, about the day of fight against homophobia. While several players, in Nantes, Guingamp or Toulouse, had refused to play because they did not want to wear the rainbow flocked jersey, Eric Roy had indicated that he was not “happy that there were five players who do not play in Toulouse, who face Nantes, who fight with us to maintain themselves. Is it fair? No. »

This Monday, in a instagram post, the former midfielder made a point of providing “a few details”. He first explained that he was “ambassador of the association Le Collectif, founded by the sub-prefect Abdel Aïssou which fights against racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia. And like my players who all joined this awareness campaign organized by the LFP, I wore the rainbow-colored armband with pride and commitment.

But Eric Roy regretted that “the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, scheduled for May 17, interferes with sporting fairness at our delicate end to the season with, unfortunately, the defection of players from the championship teams” . The Breton coach repeated his “refusal of intolerance which is contrary to my values ​​and that of the club”.

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