Éric Coquerel, savage murder near Toulouse, Tour de France … the 5 weekend news to remember

the essential
If you haven’t followed the news this weekend, La Dépêche du Midi offers you a catch-up session. Discover the five news items that marked the news in the region, in France and around the world, on July 2 and 3, 2022.

Eric Coquerel in turmoil

After the feminist Rockhaya Diallo who had shared rumors on Thursday, an activist of the Yellow Vests Sophie Tissier criticizes the behavior of Eric Coquerel whom she accuses of having made “inappropriate gestures” towards her in 2014. The new president of the Finance Commission and deputy Nupes of Seine-Saint-Denis denounced “unfounded rumors” in a column published by the Sunday newspaper.

Read also :
“I do not deny having danced with her”: the truths of Éric Coquerel, singled out for his behavior towards women

Savage murder near Toulouse

A 20-year-old young woman was brutally stabbed to death on Friday evening in a pavilion in Saint-Orens in Haute-Garonne. Her 22-year-old boyfriend, also stabbed, was able to raise the alarm. Shocked, his life is not in danger. The alleged attacker, a 27-year-old man, came forward and was taken into custody on Saturday evening. his motive still remains a mystery. The three victims knew each other amicably. An investigation for assassination and attempted assassination is opened.

Read also :
Many questions after the savage murder of a 20-year-old girl near Toulouse

Mayhem at Roissy

Difficult weekend for passengers at Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport. A strike led to the cancellation of several flights on Saturday morning. Added to this is a technical bug in baggage management. Result: the passengers of about fifteen flights left in their suitcases remained in France. The unions have filed a new strike notice for next weekend to win wage increases.

Read also :
Roissy: how could thousands of passengers go on vacation without their luggage?

War in Ukraine: the Russians claim to control the Lugansk region

Are we living through a decisive stage in the war in Ukraine? Russia claimed on Sunday that it had conquered the city of Lysytchansk and controlled the entire Lugansk region after intense fighting. This Sunday evening, the Ukrainian army announced that its soldiers had withdrawn from the city. The capture of Lyssytchansk could allow Moscow to progress in its plan to conquer the entire Donbass, an industrial region in eastern Ukraine.

Read also :
War in Ukraine: Russia claims to have conquered Lysychansk and the entire Lugansk region

Tour de France: Belgian Wout van Aert in yellow

The Tour de Frtance started on Friday July 1st. After three stages in Denmark, and a tremendous popular welcome, it is the Belgian Wout van Aert who is in yellow ahead of another Belgian Yves Lapaert and the Slovenian Tadej Pogocar. On the program this Monday, January 4: a transfer to France for the stage between Dunkirk and Calais.

Read also :
Tour de France 2022: how will the transfer of riders from Denmark to France take place at the end of the third stage

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