Erding: Emergency plans in the event of a blackout in the district of Erding

In the event of a large-scale power failure lasting days, there are emergency plans in the district of Erding. The nearby Munich airport is largely self-sufficient, but there are fears of high property damage at the Erdinger Therme.


Gerhard Wilhelm

Books like “Blackout” by Marc Elsberg were bestsellers even before the gas and energy crisis. The thriller “Blackout” drastically describes the catastrophe that could follow a large-scale power failure in Europe. Because without electricity, many things would no longer work: no light, no heating, no internet, no cash registers in shops, no refrigeration in supermarkets, no ATMs, no petrol at gas stations. “There have never been any large-scale, long-lasting power failures – so-called blackouts – in Germany. These remain very unlikely,” reads a current statement by the federal government.

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