Environment Department: No time for inquiries – Munich

Nocturnal construction work on the tracks. For many who live nearby, it robs them of sleep. What is he doing now? He complains to those who are the direct contact point for the concerns of the population in Pasing at the district committee (BA). The committee, in turn, could now pass the complaints on to Deutsche Bahn AG, so that the responsible body can be found there.

But the district committee is not allowed to do that at all, it has to go through the municipal departments, in this case the department for climate and environmental protection. Then he did it and received an answer that came crashing like an arriving express train at the latest BA meeting. Outrage is too weak a word.

Chairman Frieder Vogelsgesang (CSU) read the negative letter verbatim: “Due to extremely scarce human resources, we are now forced to prioritize in order to be able to fulfill our duties under the Federal Emissions Protection Act. We can currently no longer deal with such processes because the existing ones Capacities must be reserved for the completion of mandatory tasks. We very much regret that we have to return your process unprocessed to our relief and ask for your understanding, respectfully … “

A pious wish, because there can be no question of understanding. “This letter cannot be surpassed in insolence,” fumed Vogelsgesang. It makes him almost speechless. At the same time, it should be known on the part of the department that the BA should not take “such processes” into its own hands, for example to send a polite letter to the DB group representative, as a committee member made the practical suggestion.

“Then we no longer need Munich city administration”

Another letter from the BA chairman is now on the way or has already arrived at Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD), a copy to the Department for Climate and Environmental Protection. Frieder Vogelsgesang wanted to formulate the text something like this: With all due understanding for the shortage of personnel – how does the mayor imagine that the district committee Pasing-Obermenzing should do its work?

“We get questions from citizens that we cannot answer because we lack the expertise, which is exactly why we pass it on to the specialist departments, who then write the answer competently, but they now apparently have no time or no inclination and turn to more important things . ” If the mayor allows the committee to become active in the relevant bodies in the future: “Then we no longer need Munich city administration, then I’ll ask directly …”

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