Energy crisis: Federal Environment Agency: ventilation instead of air filters in schools

energy crisis
Federal Environment Agency: ventilation instead of air filters in schools

Air purifiers use a lot of electricity – a problem in times of energy crisis. photo

© Marijan Murat/dpa

Some schools have air filters to reduce the risk of corona infection. Their usefulness is disputed. The Federal Environment Agency recommends the classic method – even in cold temperatures.

In the energy crisis, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) is calling for the use of mobile air filters in schools to be restricted to the bare minimum. “In the course of the energy saving discussion, it should be noted that mobile air purifiers consume not inconsiderable amounts of electricity when operated and therefore their use should be limited to hygienically necessary situations,” said Heinz-Jörn Moriske, Director at the Federal Environment Agency, the German Press Agency .

A possible reduction in room temperature to 19 degrees to save energy should not result in the ventilation behavior recommended by the office for the duration of the corona pandemic being changed or even minimized, said the indoor air hygiene expert. “Increased use of mobile air cleaners instead of ventilation at a lower room temperature is no substitute, since air cleaners do not remove any pollutants, including carbon dioxide, from the interior and do not contribute to the ventilation success.”

Recommendation: air the room three times an hour

The UBA recommends airing every twenty minutes. According to the experts, mobile air cleaners are not necessary where windows can be opened wide or air exchange is guaranteed by permanently installed air conditioning systems. They are described as “useful” where windows can only be tilted. Moriske spoke of an “add on”, an additional measure.

Some federal states had invested heavily in the purchase of mobile air filters for schools, while others had not. If the corona situation worsens again in autumn, the debate about the use of the devices to reduce infections is likely to flare up again.


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