Elden Ring: The hardest boss used to be even harder

Malenia is in you Elden ring too heavy? She used to be even stronger and more aggressive.

That’s what data miners found out, who took a closer look at version 1.0 of the role-playing game to discover exactly such things.

Malenia 2.0

Dataminer kotn31 discovered this deadlier version of Malenia, which acts more aggressively, blocks your attacks better and uses a second variant of her well-known attack.

Her special move originally appeared to be called “Malenia’s Blade” instead of Waterfowl Dance. At least that’s the name of Malenia’s sword in version 1.0.

Other Elden Ring news:

There she has a second attack, with which she covers less distance and does not take long breaks. kotn31 suspects that this was originally the Waterfowl Dance attack.

After version 1.0 you have to reduce her health below 80 percent before she uses this attack. Originally there was no such restriction, and both attacks had separate cooldowns, so she could use them consecutively.

Add to that better blocking and a more aggressive approach in the first phase and you know what you’re missing. Sounds fun doesn’t it?

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