Effect & benefits for the cells

The so-called β-nicotinamide mononucleotide has been known as NMN anti aging in supplementation for several years and is also gaining popularity in 2023. Multiple clinical studies show that this important compound can promote overall health and therefore longevity. As a dietary supplement, it is a derivative of nicotinic acid, or niacin, which is a form of vitamin B3. Its main function is to rapidly convert into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and act as a coenzyme in every cell of the body. However, since its levels decrease with age, taking NMN anti-aging supplements can contribute to healthier cells. Accordingly, this also reduces the risk of illness and brings with it numerous health benefits such as improved fertility. Below you can learn more about its effects if you plan to live more health consciously.

Why is NMN Anti Aging viewed as a potential miracle cure?

The natural aging processes mean that the levels of the coenzyme NAD+ described above become significantly lower in the cells. For example, a person at age 50 has half the values ​​they had at 20. This drastic drop is considered a key factor and one of the root causes of aging. As early as 2013, one by Professor David Sinclair showed published studyfound that even short-term use of NMN increased NAD+ levels. Accordingly, this could reverse many aspects of aging and boost overall metabolism and the reproductive system in older women.

β-nicotinamide mononucleotide increases levels of nad+ in body cells and causes dna repair

In addition, as a dietary supplement, NMN Anti Aging is also said to help treat and prevent a variety of diseases. These include cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. It’s a molecule that acts as a fuel for sirtuin’s enzymes, which need NAD+ to be active and function.

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While they alone will not protect the body with low NAD+ levels, sirtuins increase nicotinamide mononucleotide to levels that even a marathon runner finds difficult to achieve. There is also a repair of the DNA or the genome, which protects against cell damage and is essential for survival. All of this and numerous other benefits have led researchers to tout NMN as a fountain of youth for humans.

Does NMN have side effects and what dosage is possible?

consider possible side effects when taking dietary supplements

Although there are side effects with some supplements, such as too much vitamin D, recent research shows that NMN does not cause them. However, when storing the preparation, it should be borne in mind that higher temperatures can make it harmful to the body. For this reason, it is necessary to store the supplements in cool places or in the refrigerator.

nicotinic acid or niacin effect through healthy nutrition with natural products

In individual cases, experiences with high energy boosts or altered cognitive functions can occur with NMN Anti Aging. This is probably because the body needs a little more time to adjust to the effects. In such cases, manufacturers and experts recommend stopping the intake for about a week. Niacin or nicotinic acid could also cause a so-called “niacin flush,” which leads to skin irritation, a common side effect of high doses.

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Even if the dietary supplement comes into contact with moisture before ingestion, it will be broken down as nicotinamide in a very short time. This makes it toxic to the body and is also something to consider. High doses are discouraged in such cases because it suppresses sirtuins and prevents repair of damaged DNA.

certain fruits and vegetables contain nmn anti-aging and slow down aging

As far as the recommended daily dose is concerned, depending on the weight, up to 1000 mg of NMN Anti Aging can be taken per day. Scientists have recently largest human study to date carried out. Research results showed that subjects who received higher doses of 600 and 900 mg performed significantly better than those who received the 300 mg dose. In addition, the NMN powder is water soluble, but is better taken with some fat or protein.

What are the main benefits of NMN Anti Aging as a supplement?

prevent gray hair due to natural aging processes with nmn anti aging supplement

As a precursor to NAD+, NMN provides the body with large amounts of nicotinamide mononucleotide and effectively increases the natural decline associated with aging. Here are the other main properties it brings as a supplement:

  • slowing down aging – The best-known benefit of NMN is its anti-aging properties. As we age, energy production and mitochondrial function decline, largely due to a parallel decline in energy in different cells and organs of the body. The effects of cellular aging can be mitigated by increasing the concentration by supplementing with NMN.
  • Improved cognitive function – The studies shown above found that NMN improves brain function and works against the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s disease. In neurodegenerative diseases like these, NMN helps prevent dysfunction and inhibits the accumulation of amyloid plaque, which are hallmarks of the pathology of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia diseases.
  • reducing obesity – Although obesity can occur at any stage of life, older adults are particularly vulnerable to weight gain. This is because metabolism slows and body composition changes in favor of fat over muscle mass. In obese individuals, by maintaining high levels of NAD+, NMN may improve metabolic pathways to maintain a healthy weight.
  • positive effect Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases – Metabolic disorders that tend to change with age include glucose and insulin control and high blood pressure, which are risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. Study participants who received NMN showed significantly improved glucose tolerance as well as increased concentrations and improved insulin sensitivity.
  • Improved reproductive health – Current research results of a Study from 2020 show that female mice of reproductive age receiving a low dose of NMN had higher birth rates and shorter time to pregnancy, as well as improvements in in vitro outcomes. Since obesity is a risk factor for infertility, some of the benefits of such supplementation for improved fertility may be related to the effect of NMN.

In what forms is NMN Anti Aging available as a dietary supplement?

in the form of tablets take nmn anti aging supplement against the aging process

As a powder, the price of one gram of NMN varies from EUR 3 in packs of 100 grams to EUR 6 in packs of 15 grams, depending on the daily dose. The water-soluble method allows for more freedom in determining the preferred dose. For optimal absorption, it is advisable to let the powder dissolve directly under the tongue. However, there are other forms in which it can be taken. Retard tablets, for example, are acid-resistant tablets that allow the active ingredient to be released more slowly in the stomach. This can significantly increase levels of NAD+ over a longer period of time.

achieve an anti-aging effect and prevent diseases by supplementing with nmn

In addition, NMN Anti Aging is available as capsules, which are a typical form of dietary supplements. Such an ingestion method also allows for a slower release of NMN into the blood. Tablets with the active substance can also be taken sublingually to bypass the gastrointestinal tract. It does this by completely dissolving in the saliva under the tongue and being absorbed more quickly through the blood vessels in the mouth. All variants are safe for humans, so health-conscious individuals would definitely consider taking the supplement.

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