Education: Survey: “Nutrition and Health” should be on the curriculum

Survey: “Nutrition and Health” should be on the curriculum

A student cuts mushrooms into small slices during the cooking group. photo

© Arne Dedert/dpa

Curve discussion, text analysis and cell division: This is on the curriculum in schools. According to a survey, a majority also want to see more everyday things taught, such as nutrition or financial topics.

A majority of adults are one According to the survey, certain consumer issues should be addressed in school. In a Forsa survey for the Federal Association of Consumer Organizations, 88 percent were in favor of children and young people learning about “nutrition and health” in school. 85 percent are in favor of “handling money and insurance” being addressed. “Environmental protection and fair trade” (82 percent) and “use of cell phones and the Internet” (74) came in behind in the survey.

According to the information, only these four topic areas were specifically asked. Only two percent of those surveyed said they were negative or did not give an answer.

According to those surveyed (81 percent) who are in favor of school lessons on this topic, there has not yet been enough instruction on how to deal with money and insurance in order to prepare children and young people for everyday life. That’s not surprising, said consumer advice center board member Ramona Pop. “In the current price crisis, financial education is particularly important.” The ministries of education and consumer protection are now asked to promote consumer education in schools.

For the representative survey, Forsa surveyed German-speaking people aged 18 and over living in private households between August 31st and September 6th of this year 2002. The results were available exclusively to the German Press Agency.


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