Ecological plastic bottle from Lidl: what’s behind the campaign with Jauch – economy

TV star Günther Jauch is currently advertising on all channels for what he says is a very ecological plastic bottle from Lidl. But it’s not quite that simple. What is really behind the campaign.

Günther Jauch again. This time the TV star is advertising Lidl’s plastic water bottles. You can hardly avoid it at the moment. On advertising posters, in newspapers, streaming services, on the radio and television: you can see or hear the slightly graying show host everywhere. But what does it mean to advertise? The 66-year-old entertainer appears as a man of conviction, humorous and semi-investigative. Always on the trail of the question: Is that possible? This bottle made of disposable plastic (PET) is supposed to be one of the most ecological drinks packaging? That’s what Lidl claims. And he, Jauch, took a closer look and came to the conclusion that yes, that’s really the case.

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