Due to work, Crous students no longer know where they can sleep

Small wind of concern among the students of the largest university city of Strasbourg, the Paul-Appell city. Renovation work planned for a long time in three buildings, plunge some of them into uncertainty. Work is nevertheless necessary, as these buildings are dilapidated, and which necessarily requires a move by its tenants.

They also wonder about social networks, anxious for some at the idea of ​​having to settle far from their university or worse still, without really knowing where they will be able to sleep. “We were sent a kind of questionnaire, but since then, nothing. It’s not very clear” explains, among others, Kenala, a third-year computer science student and for whom “all that comes at the worst time” with the arrival of exams. “I went to find out, but I still don’t have any info. “ Letters are however in progress. “Time will be given to students to turn around, assures the Crous which manages the Paul-Appell housing estate.

A university city which has exactly 1,365 housing units and will rise to more than 1,400 after the renovation started in 2019 and which will last until 2024. All for a nice amount of 55 million euros of investment.

Game of musical chairs

So far, the Crous manages to juggle departures and arrivals, often during the year. A sort of game of musical chairs to somehow satisfy ever-increasing demand. Problem, with the health crisis, the increase in materials, the schedule for the renovation of buildings B and C and D remains unclear. Consequences, for weeks, the Crous has chosen not to move everyone at the same time, without knowing the deadlines for the work, but also the number of vacant accommodation due to the often unpredictable departures of students. The choice was therefore made to contact them floor by floor, starting at the top, in order to do things in order. Hence the small wave of panic of those who have not yet been informed and who see the other tenants preparing to leave or already moving.

According to the end date of the lease

An even greater concern for those whose lease ends on March 31. Because these calendar difficulties also highlight the situation of each student according to the type of lease he has signed. Two situations emerge. “Those who have signed a lease going until August 31 and those on March 31, underlines Sarah Boos, communication officer for Crous Strasbourg. For the latter, they were informed as soon as the lease was signed, knowingly, that they would have to leave their accommodation as of March 31. They were informed several times so that they could turn around, explains Sarah Boos. But for those whose lease ends on August 31, accommodation of equivalent comfort will be offered to them. “Students” were informed on Friday” still assures the Crous.

Concretely, Building D represents approximately 80 students with a lease on March 31, and therefore without a solution, and 72 students with a lease on August 31. The removals will take place for the latter, from “mid to the end of April, to the other buildings of the Cité Paul-Appell” promises the Crous, “They will all benefit from a relocation proposal on the same service at the same price”, promises the CROUS.

Departures expected in April

In building C, the 140 students with a lease on August 31 will move to building B, just next door. Julia, card in hand, is one of those lucky ones. She received a letter last week and “very quickly was able to retrieve the keys to B”. Problem, and that the student in second year of Japanese did not know it, this one will also be concerned by the works, which should begin at the end of spring, beginning of summer, and throughout the summer, indicates Sarah Boos . An announcement that suddenly spoils the joy of the student who will have to move again.

Information that Sarah Boos relativizes. “Given that there is always a massive departure of students in April, we will have more visibility on the number of students who will have to be relocated at this time and the availability in the Crous park to make them proposals to Paul-Appell, Weiss and possibly Robertsau if necessary. “None of the students with a lease on August 31 will be on the street, underlines the Crous. They will be notified several weeks before their relocation to allow them to organize themselves. »

Still, those who have not found a solution from the end of March and whose lease expires will still have to find something to relocate to in a city where the student housing market remains extremely tight. A situation which should even be more difficult at the start of the school year: “We know this in advance, adds Sarah Boos, with an offer which will be all the more reduced next year as these two buildings which are going to be moved will be closed for works as well as the Somme university residence which will be completely renovated… But we have to go through this to have accommodation that remains up to standard and the cabins need a facelift. »

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