Dozens of stolen works of art found in a castle

The discovery is unexpected to say the least. Dozens of works of art stolen from the Sandelin museum in Saint-Omer (Pas-de-Calais) were found in a castle in the department, we learned on Wednesday from the public prosecutor’s office, the police and the town hall .

“During a search, police officers from the Saint-Omer police station found stolen works belonging to the Sandelin museum in Saint-Omer,” indicated the town hall, which is organizing a press conference on Thursday on these facts in the presence of the mayor of the city and the curator of the museum.

A suspect arrested according to the police

An investigation into concealment of theft has been opened, according to the public prosecutor of Saint-Omer, Mehdi Benbouzid. “Around forty works”, identified as coming from the Sandelin museum, were found at the Château de Cercamp in Frévent, he specifies. The latter is a private castle classified as a Historic Monument and located between Arras and Abbeville

The police announced Wednesday morning via the X account “national police 62” the discovery of 83 works stolen from the Sandelin museum in this castle, supporting photos of paintings and an old fan. She indicated that a person had been taken into custody, information not confirmed by the prosecutor.

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