Don’t miss this weekend the exceptional alignment of the planets Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn

This is a rare configuration that will beautify the sky nocturnal from this Sunday, April 17: a perfect alignment of the four planets, VenusMarch, Saturn and Jupiter. Already, the first three have been visible together in the sky since the end of March; they will soon be joined by the gas giant Jupiter which will be close to the horizon. Only thenorthern hemisphere will be able to enjoy the show until the end of the month, with a apogee around April 23. Peak visibility will be between 5:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. when Jupiter exits the horizon. After this date, the planets will remain visible together, but will no longer form a single line.

But the most nice event still to come! On June 24, 2022, these are all the planets of the Solar system which will line up in the sky: this is called a parade of planets. Among them, only five are visibleeye naked: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. For the last two, Neptune and Uranusfrom astronomical telescopes or one telescope will be needed. All will run east to south — or north to east in thesouthern hemisphereand will not necessarily be visible at the same time of the night, due to their long stretch in the sky.

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