Donkey is the pet of the year 2022 – Panorama

He is constantly being used as an insult, completely wrongly. But now the donkey with the freestyle for “Pet of the Year” is finally given the honor it deserves.

Who hasn’t scolded the other as a donkey in discussions with their roommate at home? Two years of pandemic-related living together in a confined space have put some stress on the stress level in multi-person households. Who’s turn to clean? Who with shopping? Who with home office and childcare? So it is fitting that the “Alliance for People & Animals” has chosen the donkey as the pet of the year 2022.

The aim of the foundation: discovering the donkey’s talents. He is often considered stubborn and stubborn, sometimes even stupid. It is of course not particularly fair to the animal if it is used as an insult, especially since the prejudices are not true at all. If you look closely, you can even learn a lot from the donkey in order to survive the next few weeks with Omikron more calmly. In stressful situations, the donkey – unlike the horse – does not simply run away. He pauses and carefully examines his next step. Donkeys are herd animals, they are attentive, free from giddiness, and can get by with little water for a long time. These properties made it a popular pack animal with humans many thousands of years ago, and it is even believed that the donkey is one of the oldest domesticated animals.

Now, of course, nobody should reduce their drinking intake in order to endure the roommate in a confined space. But maybe it’s easier to endure bad behavior when you know that real bad guys are actually castrated donkeys.

Read more good news here.

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