Documentary by Jessy Welmmer “Listen to us! We East Germans and the West” – media

Jessy Wellmer, who comes from Güstrow, shows once again that it is worth dealing with the East through documentary means. How does she do that? With listening – and with contradiction.

It tends to be no coincidence that sports presenters always attract attention with successful political documentaries, and the combination seems even more coherent when it comes to East Germany. Journalists are better able to bring a certain level of competitiveness when they report on it – and when it comes to requests for interviews and filming from people who are sometimes justifiably skeptical of the media, it certainly doesn’t hurt if you are known and associated with one of the fewer things that don’t immediately make you feel bad put you in a good mood. So if you are known like the presenter Jessy Wellmer and are associated with sport.

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