Do you plan to buy tickets during the 3rd wave which begins on Wednesday?

Never two without three ! The Organizing Committee for the Games (Cojop) will launch the third wave of ticket sales for the 2024 Olympic Games earlier than expected. Tony Estanguet announced last Friday on the L’Equipe channel the kick-off for the 5 July.

If the first two phases were strongly criticized for the choice of the draw, disadvantageous for those who wear the scoumoune over the shoulder, the price of the tickets was also at the heart of the controversies. A PE teacher, had moreover confided to 20 minutes, that its budget had doubled for the same number of places between the 2016 edition in Rio, and the Parisian one in 2024. For this third session, where the formula chosen will be “first come, first served”, there are still some 2, 8 million places in about ten disciplines, places that did not find takers during the first two phases. According to the organizing committee, places at 24 euros will still be available, in particular for sailing, golf or even certain basketball matches.

Who can buy these seats that no one has wanted so far? YOU ? You are thinking of buying yourself a ticket, what motivates you to buy a seat during this third phase?

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