DJs and rappers on the roof of the Fourvière basilica

“It’s unheard of,” confirms the Fourvière Foundation. Next Thursday, April 27, from 5 to 10 p.m., six artists, DJs and rappers will have access to the roofs of one of the towers of the basilica of Lyon to offer a unique show. Their performance will be broadcast live on a giant screen, 500 meters below, on Place Saint-Jean thanks to drones and cameras. A unique event that takes shape after two years of process.

For Renaud Capel, co-president of the association QDS organizer of the event, it was “obvious” to mix these two cultures. “We wanted to make a link between emerging music from Lyon and this emblematic place of our city’s heritage,” he explains. It is also an opportunity to de-demonize techno music and connect youth and our history”.

The basilica remains “connected to the world”

On the side of the Fourvière Foundation, “we show that we are open to everything and everyone”. First tourist site in the region, the institution is “not looking for more”. If the QDS project received the blessing of the rectorate and the Foundation, it is because the file “was interesting” despite “a register that changes from usual”. “In this way, we show that we remain connected to the world, even at the top of our hill”, assures the spokesperson.

Who says exceptional concept, says exceptional local guests. On the program, an artist who will have been chosen for a thirty-minute springboard, then the DJs Bernadette, Soräa and Kangaroo as well as the rappers El Bobby and GAB, the one who makes rap and religion rhyme. All this, illuminated by the work of Golem who will produce a mapping on the basilica and also visible from Place Saint-Jean. The event is free to the public but QDS has launched a crowdfunding campaign to complete his project.

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