District of Munich – CSU calls for cash injection for space companies – District of Munich

Members of the state parliament Kerstin Schreyer and member of the Bundestag Florian Hahn call on the federal government to promote the space industry in the district of Munich. The background to the appeal by the two CSU politicians is the Council of Ministers conference of the European Space Agency (ESA) scheduled for November in Paris, at which future projects and their financing will be decided. Schreyer emphasizes that this conference also has a major impact on the district. “In recent years, we have created a globally significant space cluster with global players, suppliers and start-ups, which will receive even more impetus from the new TUM faculty,” says Schreyer from Unterhaching. This cluster needs support from the federal government, otherwise many jobs here would be in acute danger. The Putzbrunner Hahn also fears “further cuts for the German space companies”. The traffic light has not yet recognized the explosive nature of the situation. Both agree that a rethink must be made and the necessary funds must also be requested for the district of Munich.

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