District of Munich – Bundeswehr helps in the health department – District of Munich

15 Bundeswehr soldiers are already supporting the Munich-Land health department in recording and processing positive corona cases, and another 15 people are now being requested, as district administrator Christoph Göbel (CSU) announced on Thursday in his weekly press conference on the corona situation. With the reinforcement, Göbel wants to get the problems in the health department under control when determining the actual infection situation. For days, the authority has been struggling with the rapidly increasing number of new infections. In the press round, Göbel spoke of an “absolutely volatile situation” and a “fate” that was shared with the health authorities of other districts.

Obviously also with the Munich health department. Because for days, a hospitalization rate of zero has been reported for the district. This means: Officially, no one from the district is suffering from Covid 19 for treatment in a Munich hospital – despite currently more than 7500 infected people. Göbel described this statement as “unbelievable”. Of course, with a probability bordering on certainty, there were also people from the district in clinics, presumably in hospitals in Munich. From there, however, no reports would come to the health department.

According to the office, there are no district residents in the hospital. The district administrator calls it “unbelievable”.

The district administrator attributes this to the fact that the city’s officials are “working on the attack.” Göbel justifies the fact that the district office officially reports incorrect data: He simply cannot report what data he does not get. However, the district administrator assumes that the hospitalization rate is well below the Bavarian average of currently 4.9 patients per 100,000 inhabitants. Göbel concludes this from findings from the delta wave. In this, too, the district has always been well below the average value. Göbel attributes this to a high vaccination rate in the district – although there are no exact figures for this either.

Meanwhile, the omicron wave is sweeping the county with increasing force. As of Thursday afternoon, 7,559 people were proven to be infected – more than ever before in the pandemic. The district administrator estimates that around half of all infections are currently happening in schools and day-care centers. Nevertheless, the district has stopped contact tracing in all schools on the instructions of the ministry. “People apparently accept that the courses in children and young people are milder and compared to what I think is right, that there is the possibility of vaccination for these groups,” says Göbel. It is therefore logical to stop identifying contact persons.

In old people’s and nursing homes, too, the number of infections is increasing significantly and reaching new record levels: 138 residents in seven facilities were infected on Thursday, more than twice as many as in the previous week – all boosted. Most of them have mild courses, according to information from the health department. There are also 131 infected employees. Both are absolute highs.

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