dismissal of the trial of seven relatives of the ultra-right

After the semi-final of the Football World Cup on Wednesday, around forty people were arrested for grouping to commit violence and carrying prohibited weapons.

The trial of seven young men affiliated with the ultra-right, suspected of having met Wednesday evening in Paris after the France-Morocco semi-final of the World Cup to then commit violence, was postponed on Saturday to January 13. Among them is Marc de Caqueray-Valmenier, 24, who would have been the leader of the small group the Zouaves Paris, now officially dissolved.

This 24-year-old man, square in appearance and black sweater on his back in the box, has already been convicted and imprisoned in recent years, and is currently indicted and placed under judicial supervision in a case heard in Bobigny. He was placed under judicial supervision pending the hearing, with a ban on contact with the co-defendants, on possession of a weapon and on going to Paris except in the 16th arrondissement where a company is located which issued him a promise. hiring as human resources manager.

Students, an aspiring prefect, a real estate agent

The six other defendants, born between 1999 and 2002, living in the Paris region or Rouen, were also placed under judicial control. Among them are temporary workers, an Essec student born in Versailles who is about to do an internship in Luxembourg, a law student who wants to become a prefect or even a real estate agent living in the 16th arrondissement.

On Wednesday evening, these seven young men, some of whom practice Thai boxing, were arrested with around thirty other people in a bar in the 17th arrondissement, near Pont Cardinet. According to a police source, the group was preparing to join the Champs-Élysées, with belligerent intentions against supporters of Morocco.

The seven defendants were transferred after 48 hours in police custody to be tried in immediate appearance for grouping to commit violence; some also for carrying prohibited weapons and refusing to give the code of their telephone. The other people arrested benefited from a classification without further action or alternatives to prosecution.

A bag “full of weapons”

According to the prosecutor, Marc de Caqueray was “at the initiative of the rally by sending a message to a very large number of people to invite them to defend the flag against the Moroccans“. He was arrested in possession of a bagcontainer full of weapons“, she added, asking for his incarceration because of a “fairly high risk of recurrence“. What his lawyer, Maître Clément Diakonoff, contested, for whom the file is “baroque and wobbly“.

Where is the PV on the Eastpak bag which would contain the weapons? Where’s that khaki-colored bag? We don’t know if there was one. We don’t even have the famous message“, he launched, ensuring not to have had the entire file. At the hearing, were present the parents of several defendants, and some supporters.

During the weekend, the authorities mobilize up to 14,000 police and gendarmes, to supervise the celebrations in France of the World Cup, by putting under special surveillance small groups of the ultra-right.

SEE ALSO – Death of a teenager after France-Morocco: Montpellier shaken by intercommunity violence

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