Disappeared at the bus stop – the case of Katrin Konert

“Searching for traces”: Season 6 | Episode 2
Disappeared at the bus stop – the case of Katrin Konert

in the starCrime podcast “Searching for clues” tells investigators and specialists about their most exciting cases. In the second episode of the sixth season, chief detective Annegret Dau-Rödel speaks about the disappearance of a girl at the bus stop.

“Search for traces” appears every second Friday at stern.de, Audio Now, iTunes and Spotify. Enjoy listening!

How do you convict murderers? Why do people become perpetrators? And what abysses can each of us hold? in the starCrime podcast “Searching for traces” help investigators and specialists to make what at first glance incomprehensible understandable. Andrea Ritter, Bernd Volland, Nicolas Büchse and Giuseppe Di Grazia meet the best experts in Germany for the sixth season of the podcast, who will tell you about their most exciting cases and the special challenges of their profession.

Bus stop in Bergen where Katrin Konert was last seen

© Nicolas Büchse

“Search for traces” – Episode 6-2 with Chief Detective Annegret Dau-Rödel

On January 1, 2001, Katrin Konert was standing at a bus stop in Bergen (Stupid) in Lower Saxony in the evening. She is 15 years old and wants to go home. Some acquaintances can still see her standing there, but no one wants her to be taken in the car. She doesn’t get on the bus either. Since then, there has been no trace of her. Nicolas rifle by star In this episode, Crime talks to chief detective Annegret Dau-Rödel about her search for the perpetrator, anonymous whistleblower and her confidence that the case will still be solved.

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