Did telework reveal your difficulties in spelling and speaking?

The Covid-19 epidemic has had many repercussions on the way people work. Among them, an increased use of writing thanks to teleworking. E-mails, instant messaging, SMS … For eighteen months, a significant part of the job has been passing messages. This is not without consequences for a large number of employees who have difficulty in mastering the French language. As for videoconferences, they put to the test those for whom oral interventions in front of several people are a nightmare.

According to an Ipsos survey for the Voltaire Project, a company specializing in upgrading expression and spelling, 76% of employers in France are confronted daily with deficiencies in spelling and expression in their teams.

Since the first confinement and the massive recourse to teleworking, have you been in difficulty because of poor spelling? Do you avoid sending messages to your supervisor or colleagues? On the other hand, do you have more difficulty expressing yourself during a Zoom or Teams meeting? Tell us about your experience using the form below! We promise, we do not pass judgment on typos and other misconduct!

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