Did Claude lose the 2022 presidential election?

“The conqueror”, “the king of the season”, “the only true hero”. When asked in May 2020 during the broadcast of Koh-Lanta: The island of heroes, our readers were full of praise for Claude. “I hope that Claude will go to the end”, hoped Chantal while Daniel certified that the candidate was “the hope of a whole nation”. A curious vocabulary when we say to ourselves that these same words could be used to describe a politician on his way to the post of head of state.

Hey, that’s good! What image and what hashtag circulated en masse on social networks during the “season of confinement” during which the adventures’ exploits brought him to the skies? That of a man at his Elysian office and the hashtag “Claude 2022”. But as in real life, you should never fold the presidential match several months before the election. This is evidenced by Claude’s behavior in The legend, which does not earn him so much praise this year.

“We must assume to eliminate someone like Claude”

Sporting side, no reproach can be made to him. Claude won on the first day of the adventure by winning the XXL obstacle course. Invincible in the trials, he seems to be just as much when it comes to advancing his pawns in the field of strategy. In the episode offered this Tuesday, he even has an immunity collar that he probably won’t even need to use to save himself because he seems untouchable this season.

“Claude is very strong, it deserves respect. On the camp, he is unstoppable, he goes to catch twenty fish a day, he is the first to get up and the last to lie down. In the trials, he also ensures. It is therefore difficult to vote against someone like that when you have the value of sport and merit, ”explains Clémence to 20 minutes. When she mentioned the idea of ​​voting against him to Alix and Alexandra, the two-time winner faced a wall. “It’s also hard, you have to assume to eliminate someone like Claude because he deserves to go to the end. He went to the end several times. You do not find yourself three times on the posts with a snap of the fingers, ”she adds.

Yet close to him, Coumba, for her part, certifies that the adventurer is not untouchable. “If the women’s alliance had been maintained, I think we would have released it at some point,” she says. I was able to vote against him, even though he was my friend, to preserve the girls’ alliance. Finally, the women’s pact did not hold and Coumba was eliminated before Claude. “After that, if the others lack the courage to vote against him…”, she says.

The shock wave of the “Teheiura affair”

Within his party, it is easy to understand that Claude is establishing himself as the leader. Having the support of one’s peers is fundamental during an election, but it is the support of the French that is essential. In this little game, the polls are less rave than in his previous season. “Seeing Claude strutting around exasperates me”, testifies Liliane, a reader of 20 minutes. His way of controlling the strategies of the tribe and his impertinence on the camp send a more negative image than during Island of heroes. The example of his annoyance with Sam during a recent fishing trip illustrates this well.

The fatal blow to the election of Claude could have already taken place two weeks ago during this famous eleventh episode. We learned that Teheiura had called on a fisherman who passed offshore to obtain additional food, which resulted in the candidate being excluded from the competition. “There were also adventure comrades not very far away and I invited them to share this meager meal with me”, confided the Polynesian to 20 minutes.

No name was given by the production but according to our colleagues from Parisian, Claude is one of them. “Could we imagine a Claude winning the adventure by having cheated? Asks a reader named Bruccheri. “Scandalous that Claude is not sanctioned”, protests Micheline when Mathieu evokes his “haughty or even disdainful behavior. »Raising the esteem of the public could prove very difficult after such an affront.

Competition from humble candidates

Last point not to be avoided before declaring Claude the winner of the presidential election: competition. In front of him are positioned old people like Laurent, less strategist but also less strong on the events, as well as new ones who exude humility, a quality to which the public attaches particular importance.

Loïc is undoubtedly the figurehead of this fashion which favors humble candidates over strategists. During the season of 4 Lands, the young man had charmed viewers with his unfailing smile and his camaraderie, not to mention his athletic performances. These qualities might just as well fit the portrait of Ugo, a survivor of The legend. Following his elimination, the winner of Koh-Lanta: Malaysia won five duels in the banished arena and then two immunity events after reunification. A sacred record that commands respect.

Respondents on the Twitter account of 20 minutes, Internet users estimate at 76% that Ugo is the underdog of the season. Will this digital excitement be reflected in the ballot box, even to cap Claude at the post of the ideal presidential man?

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