Diabetes diagnosis via app – AI should recognize illness by voice

  • app should Recognize type 2 diabetes by voice
  • Scientific study results in “significant differences”
  • How can type 2 diabetes be detected by voice?

Around seven million people in Germany live with diabetes – most of them Type 2 diabetes mellitus. This often remains undetected for a long time because the symptoms of diabetes can develop gradually. Now that’s about to change with a new app.

Recognize diabetes by your voice

So far brought If suspected, only blood tests Clarity. This could now change thanks to new technologies and help those affected. Diabetes can already be treated and prevented with exercise or counteracted with medication. Nevertheless, the number of sick people in Germany is increasing Information from the Robert Koch Institute around 500,000 adults annually.


According to a definition by the Federal Ministry of Health, diabetes is an umbrella term for various metabolic diseases. These can generally lead to increased blood sugar levels because the patient has a deficiency in the hormone insulin and/or the insulin effect is reduced.

Like the scientific one trade magazine Mayo Clinic Proceedings reportedresearchers from Toronto have now developed an app that detects type 2 diabetes recognize from voice recordings should. The tests were carried out on a total of 267 healthy and sick participants and found “significant differences” between the two groups. The software detected type 2 diabetes in women with an accuracy of 89 percent. For men the value is only 86 percent.

App alternative to blood tests if diabetes is suspected

With the help of one Smartphone application The participants recorded a fixed phrase up to six times a day for two weeks, resulting in 18,465 recordings. 14 acoustic features were extracted from each recording in order to Differences between non-diabetics and type 2 diabetes patients to analyze and a method for that Prediction of type 2 diabetes status to develop.

This is possible because increased blood sugar levels affect the “elastic properties of the vocal cords” and thus the voice. This could be, among other things Hoarseness and vocal strain lead. The researchers also included age and body mass index (BMI) in the calculations for their speech analysis tool Information from the developers according to which a more precise prediction was possible.

However, further studies are necessary to make a reliable statement about the effectiveness of the newly developed app. Nevertheless, voice analysis has the potential to be Pre-screening or monitoring tool for type 2 diabetes to be used.

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