Developer Snapshots: Programmer news in one or two sentences

Here is a subjective selection of smaller news items from the past few days:


  • The developers at Microsoft have announced the availability of the May release version of the command line software Azure Developer CLI (azd) has been announced. This is version 1.9.0 of the CLI. The new features include a new demo mode and extensions for .NET Aspire. The demo mode introduces the environment variable AZD_DEMO_MODE while the extensions for the .NET Aspire development stack now include support for multiple endpoints.
  • The team behind the OpenAPI Tools, a collection of tools for OpenAPI specifications, has the stable version 7.6.0 It contains over 120 improvements and bug fixes. Among the general improvements, the developers say, among others, skipping the output folder setting in the online service and using getType in ModelUtils to better support the OpenAPI 3.1.0 specification.
  • The now available second beta of the Package manager opam 2.2 for the OCaml programming language offers better support for Windows. The POSIX-compliant environment required to compile OCaml applications is now automatically configured by the software in the background. A blog post This explains in detail how to set up opam 2.2 under Windows.
  • The American software company LaunchDarkly has launched its own User Conference Galaxy 24which took place on May 21 and 22 in San Francisco, presented a number of updates to the usability of its platform. These include improved navigation, views for multiple environments, dashboard links and the ability to track changes for all resources. In addition, a so-called Release Assistant announcedwhich aims to help standardize and automate aspects of the software release process. A new LaunchDarkly CLI was also introduced.
  • Version 7.1 of the PHP framework Symfony is available available in a first release candidateAccording to the development team, Symfony 7.1 is a minor release that does not contain any significant backwards compatibility breaks. Version 7.1 brings improvements to POSIX signals and introduces a new way to map route parameters to controller arguments.
  • The Qt Group has its own application framework in version 6.7.1 This is a patch release based on Qt 6.7.0. It does not add any new features, but provides bug fixes and other improvements. The software maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source code and binary version) with Qt 6.7.0.
  • GitHub Copilot Extensions has been launched in a limited public beta. This means that the capabilities of the AI ​​assistant can now be expanded to, for example, create feature flags, call API documentation or deploy applications to the cloud. Initially, extensions of DataStax, Docker, Lambda Test, Sentry and others are available. in the GitHub Marketplace ready before additional ones from Stripe, MongoDB and Microsoft in the Visual Studio Marketplace for VS Code should follow.
  • Storybook 8.1 is equipped with a new user interface for creating and editing stories Storybook is a tool for creating, testing and documenting UI components that uses stories as its smallest unit – small snippets of JavaScript code that represent an example component. Another new component is module mocking, in which JavaScript modules can be flexibly exchanged for a controlled replacement.
  • testcontainers-git is in version 0.7.0 In addition to dependency changes, it contains two bug fixes: the wait strategy has been revised and a problem with GitHttpServer has now been resolved. The open source project testcontainers-git contains a test container implementation for a Git server based on the Docker image rockstorm/git-server. The Git server can be used either via SSH or HTTP.
  • The Release Candidate for Next.js 15 allows a look at the upcoming features of the React metaframework. This includes support for the release candidate for React 19, which includes new features for the client and server. Next.js 15 RC can also handle the experimental React compiler.

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