Developer Snapshots: Programmer news in one or two sentences

Here is the quite subjective selection of smaller news items from the past few days:


  • The April release of the C# Dev Kit from Microsoft now also allows developers to manage NuGet packages directly from Visual Studio Code. There are new commands available in the command palette, among other things NuGet: Add NuGet Packageto add a NuGet package to a project. It is now also possible to search for a package by entering its name.
  • The development team behind the open source editor Neovim has version 0.10 provided by the software. The team describes Neovim as a continuation and extension of Vim and emphasizes that 0.10 is the longest release cycle since the 0.5 release. In addition to a new standard color scheme and a new default mapping, the editor can now, among other things, write to or read from the system clipboard.
  • The Ruby programming language has this 3.4.0 Preview 1 Release reached. This release brings a whole host of changes to the open source language. This is how string literals behave in files that do not contain a frozen_string_literal-comment, now as if they were frozen. If they are changed, a warning (deprecation warning) now appears. In addition, keyword arguments are no longer allowed in the index.
  • python-sql, a library that allows making SQL queries in the style of Python, has now been released in version 1.5.0 published. In addition to bug fixes, this release also brings some improvements for developers. This includes the possibility of a MERGE-Add query as well as support for UPSERT with ON CONFLICT-clause at one INSERT-Query and removal of standard escape characters LIKE and ILIKE.
  • JetBrains has announced its own Aqua IDE for test automation now generally available is. It is intended to make it easier for testers to create automated tests for user interfaces, APIs, and other areas of an application. The IDE is available in both free and commercial versions and supports various test automation languages ​​such as Java, Kotlin, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript and SQL. JetBrains also has the Early Access Program (EAP) for its development environment IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2 started. You can try out new features for the user experience, testing and more.
  • The Apache SkyWalking Team has the version 10 announced. It is an open source APM (Application Performance Monitoring) system that was specifically developed for microservices, cloud native and container-based architectures. With this release, the development team has simplified monitoring by introducing layer and service hierarchies. This was achieved by organizing services and metrics into different layers so that navigation between them is now seamless.
  • Google has Home APIs announced, which aims to provide access to more than 600 million devices, Matter devices and infrastructure, and an automation engine powered by Google Intelligence. The three groups Device API, Structure API and Commissioning API are currently available. While all offer the basic building blocks for building a smart home, the new Commissioning API is used to set up Matter devices from an app, Home app or directly with Fast Pair on Android without having to create a new Matter fabric.
  • The team behind the PHP web framework Laravel has his Open source package Octane 2.3.10 published. In it, support for the FrankenPHP application server is no longer marked as beta. FrankenPHP is written in Go, reached the first major version 1.0 in December 2023 and is intended to enable easy deployment of a server with just one command.
  • For BitBucket Cloud usera Jira-optimized Git-based code and CI/CD tool, has a new design: the pull request page brings new activities into focus and a dedicated new diff tab for code review can be used in full-screen mode to use.
  • GitLab restricts access to the APIs Project, Groups and Users. These interfaces provide metadata, names and descriptions. The limit is the value /api/v4/users/:id/followers for example at 100 requests per minute per endpoint /api/v4/projects there are 2000 requests per 10 minutes. An endpoint is a known user, or the IP address for unknown guests. The HTTP error code is: 429 Too Many Requests.
  • Version of 5.0.0 from Ink comes with small changes: It is now based on Node.js 18 and offers simple CI detection. Ink is used to design graphical interfaces for command line tools and is intended to offer the same range of functions as React for web projects. At its core, it works Flexbox engine Yoga.

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