Developer Snapshots: Programmer news in a sentence or two

Here is the quite subjective selection of smaller messages of the past few days:

  • Rust 1.69 brings a new subcommand for the Cargo package manager, which automatically fixes simple compiler warnings.
  • The innovations in Java application server WildFly 28 are primarily aimed at more observability, including the integration for micrometers and the switch from MicroProfile OpenTracing to MicroProfile Telemetry.
  • Red Hat has one current security report from Kubernetes. The survey was conducted among 600 DevOps, technical and security professionals from around the world and shows, among other things, that more than half of the respondents have experienced an issue in the software supply chain in the last 12 months related to cloud-native and containerized development has experienced.
  • Google development team has version 1.0.0-alpha02 the Graphics Shapes library announced. It is said to allow the creation and display of rounded polygonal shapes, as well as automatic animation between different shapes. This release features several API changes, one of which is the merging of the Polygon superclass with its subclass.
  • The minor version 4.3 of the deployment server and build tool Vite is available now available. With this version, the developers have focused on improving the performance of the development server. Not only has the resolution logic been streamlined, but the hotpaths have also been improved and more intelligent caching for searching package.json implemented.

  • The development of the Windows Community Toolkit (WCT) continues to progress in 2023 as well as the Microsoft team now in one detailed blog post announced that women developers can now use a single code base to write a component that works for WinUI 2 on UWP, the Windows App SDK and WinUI 3, and the Uno platform (running WinUI 2 or 3). In addition, they can now also write Markdown-based documentation with embedded interactive examples that run directly in their browser.
  • JetBrains Ktor open source software for asynchronous client and server applications has version 2.3.0 reached. It now includes support for regular expressions in routing, API sanitization of static content, support for “100 continue”, and static linking of the libcurllibrary for mingwx64.
  • Gatsby, the open source static website generator, is now in version 5.9.0 appeared. The development team specifically points out the performance improvements gatsby and gatsby-source-contentful that could flow into this version. Furthermore, it represents a new Tutorial for creating a source plugin available.
  • With MLflow 2.3 stands a Open source platform update ready for machine learning. The Databricks development team has expanded the software’s ability to manage and deploy large language models (LLMs) by providing three new model flavors: Hugging Face Transformers, OpenAI Capabilities, and LangChain.
  • The WebAssembly Runtime Wasmer is version 3.2.0 reached. In addition to support for RISC-V chipsets, the highlights also include WASI improvements, stable WCGI support, a new runner architecture and a revised type API.


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