Deutsche Welle wants to clarify – and suspends controversial cooperation – the media

The international broadcaster is determined to clarify – but before the external auditors get started, new allegations are made. The broadcaster distances itself and ends a partnership. But the editorial office has been simmering for a long time.


Moritz Baumstieger and Anna Ernst

As soon as the two scouts were named on Friday, their field of activity had potentially expanded. after the Southgerman newspaper Reported on Wednesday about anti-Semitic statements made by several employees of Deutsche Welle (DW), the German international broadcaster tried hard to act resolutely in matters of clarification: the employees in question were released, the institution wrote in a press release, at least until an external one was completed Review of the allegations. The former Federal Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (FDP) and the Berlin psychologist Ahmad Mansour should head this – he thanked “the two for their willingness to contribute to a quick clarification in this difficult situation for DW”, was quoted by director Peter Limbourg.

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