Your Weekly Horoscope Says Pisces Season Will Make You Feel Dreamy, Romantic & Idealistic

Your horoscope for the week of February 13 to 19 wants you to relax and do a little coasting as this week begins. Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday, so dive into the sweet lightheartedness and leave the seriousness on the back-burner for now.

An overly sensitive conjunction between love planet Venus and thoughtful Neptune in Pisces hits you over the head with its soul-stirring downpour of emotion on Wednesday. Your fragile feelings are easily smashed to bits by mean people midweek, so you’ll have to take some serious precautions to make sure you don’t get crushed under the weight of just trying to exist.

On Friday, luckily, there’s a helpful sextile between quick-thinking Mercury and expansive Jupiter that brings better people into your life. Working as part of a team over the weekend gets the job done quickly/efficiently and makes the time go by so much faster than if you had to take all this on alone.

There’s more dreamy, indecisive Pisces energy on Saturday as both the dazzling sun enters Pisces and a new moon will also be influenced by this idealistic sign. This means that you’ll spend a lot of time hoping and wishing things were different but won’t have the energy to actually do anything about it. Escaping into a dream world is nice for a while, but you have to snap out of it eventually, at which point reality is going to truly suck.

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Related: How Valentine’s Day Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Things heat up on Sunday, though, when passionate Venus partners with fire sign Aries and brings another intense and exciting escape route. Things happen quickly now, whether you’re ready for them or not. This is a very “me, me, me” transit, so get ready to focus on yourself for a while. What do you really want? It’s time to go out there and get it.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

StyleCaster | Aries 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


As we get closer to the end of winter, you’re hunkering down and getting stuck in your own mind when the sun enters Pisces on Saturday. With the sun in your privacy zone, you’re focusing on your solitude and peace of mind. Allow your mind to wander and see where it takes you.

Sometimes the end is just the beginning, something you’ll feel deeply on Sunday during the new moon in your privacy zone. This is a great night to finally let go of things that no longer serve you. Sit with your feelings and explore your hidden self, Aries.

Fortunately, you’re going to be fully embracing self-love starting when Venus enters your sign on Sunday. The next few weeks are an ideal time to shower yourself with love, attention, and gifts. Doll yourself up with a new outfit and fancy haircut and do some bold flirting with no strings attached.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Taurus 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Your dreams have the potential to come true this week, starting when the sun enters Pisces on Saturday, moving into your social zone. The next few weeks are an ideal time to make the world a better place, especially with a little help from your friends. Get ready for windfalls that can fill your heart with joy.

Make a wish when the new moon is in your social zone on Sunday. Wishes can easily come true as you suddenly gain everything you’ve been dreaming of. Enjoy these good vibes by hanging out with friends, making new ones, and bettering your community.

However, remember to take time for yourself when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your subconscious zone. Your relationships could be put to the test, because it would be very easy to burn a bridge if you feel wounded. Sit with your emotions without letting them control you, Taurus.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Gemini 2023 Horoscope

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You have the power to create your reputation when the sun enters Pisces on Saturday, moving into your ambition zone. You’ve got a lot you wish to achieve and not a lot of time to do it. This is a great time to chase after your dreams and let people know that you’re the boss.

Start setting some goals when the new moon is in your ambition zone on Sunday. There’s nothing out of your reach, Gemini. Let yourself dream big as you plant the seeds for your success. Focus on the public image you want and figure out how to create it.

Start by doing some serious networking when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your social zone. Relationships are more important than ever right now, especially if you want to get ahead. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to new people and take the lead in social situations

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Cancer 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Expand your horizons over the next few weeks after the sun enters Pisces on Saturday, moving into your expansion zone. Sure, your head might be in the clouds, Cancer, but you’ll feel everything deeply. This is a great time to explore your spiritual side as you stand by your beliefs.

Broaden your spiritual horizons when the new moon is in your expansion zone on Sunday. You could feel renewed by a new perspective on life, a spiritual book, or an adventure that takes you out of your mundane routine and into new waters.

Get ready to take chances in your career when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your ambition zone. Over the next few weeks you’ll learn about your goals and what you truly value. Don’t be afraid to be a little ambitious. It’ll help you achieve greatness. A little networking can go a long way as well.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Leo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Get ready for some major changes when the sun enters Pisces on Saturday, moving into your transformation zone. The sun is shining on everything that is hidden, Leo, so let go of whatever isn’t serving you so you can be free to pursue new things.

Sunday creates a night of intimacy when the new moon is in your transformation zone. You’ll have the opportunity to dive deep into the mysteries of life and develop deeper bonds with others. This can be a period of rebirth as you let go of what is no longer needed in your life. Changes are coming even if they don’t feel real yet.

End the week on an adventurous note as Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your expansion zone. The next few weeks are a great time to meet people from all walks of life. You’ll see the beauty in the little things. Enjoy!

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Virgo 2023 Horoscope

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Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but you’ll still be feeling the love for weeks after the sun enters Pisces on Saturday. With the sun shining in your partnership zone, focus on the most important relationships in your life. Pay attention to your personal life and it will give you joy in return.

Level up your relationships when the new moon is in your relationship zone on Sunday. Whether you’re asking out your crush, enjoying the relationship of your dreams, or starting a new chapter with someone, your bond will become stronger than ever.

Bonds only continue to develop when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your intimacy zone. The power dynamic in all of your relationships finally shifts in your favor and you’re loving it. Use this time to explore taboos and get a little naughty with someone you really care about. You deserve it, Virgo!

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Libra 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Sure, you’re getting a late start on your New Year’s resolutions, but when the sun enters Pisces on Saturday, you’ll finally have the motivation to achieve your dreams. That’s because the sun enters your productivity zone, making it easier to develop healthy habits that can improve your life.

Start those good habits when the new moon is in your productivity zone on Sunday. Developing a solid routine can lead you to your dream self. However, Libra, be careful about what habits you develop, because negative ones can stay with you through the entire lunar cycle as well.

You’ll still have plenty of time for some romance when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your partnership zone. “Me” turns into “we” as you easily form a relationship before the spring. Be bold and pursue your partner. You might get lucky when you put your desires first.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Scorpio 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


We’ll be slowly thawing out of winter, so let your imagination be your guide when the sun enters Pisces on Saturday, moving into your pleasure zone. This is a great time for enjoying romance, entertaining yourself with magic, and homing in on your artistic talent. Don’t be afraid to express yourself to the fullest, Scorpio.

If you haven’t found a buddy for cuffing season, you could get one last chance at it when the new moon is in your pleasure zone on Sunday. This is a great night for starting a dreamy love affair, reveling in entertainment, and taking up a new creative hobby. There’s no limit to where your imagination can take you tonight.

Spring is on the horizon, so find yourself a fitness buddy when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your health zone. This is a great time to improve every area of your life. Focus on health and everything will come easily.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Winter is still here and you’re stuck at home when the sun enters Pisces on Saturday, moving into your family zone. Over the next few weeks you’ll be thinking about what the idea of “home” means to you. Build a foundation you don’t need to escape from.

Start laying the groundwork when the new moon is in your home zone on Sunday. This is a great day to consider buying a home, starting a family, or putting down roots to watch something grow. This is the ideal day to start something big, Sagittarius.

The chilly nights start to warm up when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your pleasure zone. This is a great time to add more beauty and romance to your life. From redecorating your home to finding a partner for the rest of cuffing season, be bold and start making some exciting memories.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Capricorn 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


If the winter blues have got you down, it’s time to get away from it all when the sun enters Pisces on Saturday, moving into your communication zone. This is a great time to go on a short trip to visit friends or even just grab coffee with a neighbor. Sharing your big ideas can help you get inspired, Capricorn.

End the week by learning something new when the new moon is in your communication zone on Sunday. Whether you’re attending a class, feeling mental rapport with others, or finally getting to all those emails you’ve been ignoring, stimulate your mind for a good time.

Even though the holiday season is over, you’ll need to take care of some family matters when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your home zone. As domestic issues come to a head, it’s time to clear the air to build a solid foundation.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Aquarius 2023 Horoscope

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You could turn into a shopaholic when the sun enters Pisces on Saturday, moving into your value zone. You might have the urge to do a little more spending than usual on things you think you need, from clothing to gadgets. However, Aquarius, don’t blow your whole budget on something that will only give you a moment’s pleasure.

Instead of trying to buy happiness, look for it within yourself when the new moon is in your value zone on Sunday. If you’re trying to define yourself by how much money you make or what you own, you’ll be unhappy. Show yourself some love right now as you practice self-respect.

However, don’t forget to have some fun when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your communication zone. With spring on the horizon, this is a great time to go on coffee dates with friends, take short trips, and attend parties. Have fun!

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Pisces 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Your season officially begins when the sun enters your sign on Saturday, giving you an extra boost after a long winter. This is a great time to get out of your shell and start things you’ve been dreaming about. From being the center of attention to asking for what you want, Pisces, the Universe is working in your favor!

Sunday brings the possibility of new opportunities when the new moon is in your sign. This is a day of infinite wonders, and nothing seems to be out of reach for a dreamer like you. This is a great time to meet new people, change up your look, or plant the seeds for your dreams to grow.

Now that you’re feeling good, consider treating yourself to something nice when Venus enters Aries on Sunday, moving into your value zone. This is a great time for an upgrade in all areas of your life.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | The Manifest Issue 2023

Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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