Your Love Horoscope For September Says You May Be Thinking Of Your Ex (Whether You Want To Or Not)

A new month means new opportunities to find love. Your love horoscope for September 2022 says this is a heartfelt time to reassess the existing partnerships in your life, so prepare to face some startling truths. Some relationships may end, some may start and some may even begin again. It’s time to be more present with the people around, because you’re learning how to savor every moment with the person you love.

Venus—planet of love and passion—enters earth sign Virgo on September 5, which will spread practicality and common sense throughout matters of the heart. It’s time to find logical ways to show each other your love and to earn each other’s support. Virgo’s perspective of love may not always look like like giving someone flowers, but doing someone’s laundry. It could look like taking someone to the airport or cooking them a homemade meal. Venus in Virgo is the best time to adopt “acts of service” as your love language!

Several weeks later, on September 29, Venus will glide into Libra. When Venus is in the air sign Libra, we can expect to feel as though we’re in a healthy relationship based on mutual respect. After all, Venus rules over Libra, making this transit the perfect time to decide who you want to be with and how you want to be with them.

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On September 9, Mercury retrograde commences at 8 degrees Libra. Expect to hear from exes and old flames, especially if there’s still unfinished business between you. Chances are, you might feel like you’re picking up right where you left off. However, you may find that the same old patterns are being repeated, so make sure you’re not romanticizing the past and wearing rose-colored glasses when you judge the situation.

Prepare for miscommunications and missed connections with romantic partners or crushes. When Mercury re-enters Virgo on September 23, you can expect this retrograde to throw you off your routine and cause overly analytical thinking as well as toxic productivity if you can be a workaholic. Remember—even a machine needs to be recharged (and you’re not even a machine).

Mercury retrograde commences on September 9. Expect to hear from exes and old flames.

The fall equinox takes place on September 22, kicking off Libra season with a bang. When the sun is in balanced, harmonious and hella charming Libra, it means that love is swirling all around us. Cozy up with your special someone at home as the air gets chillier. Embrace the simpler aspects of life and enjoy the comforts they bring. Spend intimate time with your BFF doing the things you love doing together the most.

The full moon in Pisces on September 10 is energetically and emotionally charged. This is all due to the fact that it’s asking us to make major relationship decisions. The Libra new moon on September 25 opens up new romantic possibilities (as well as heightening our confidence and self-love).

Here’s what the love department has in store for you this month, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Month

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Whether or not you realize it, setting boundaries is an act of self care, a sentiment that will be accentuated by the Pisces full moon on September 10. The message is to put yourself first. If the people you care about have a problem with that, you should consider it a major red flag. Luckily, Mercury’s backwards spin, which begins on September 9, allows you to reevaluate relationships— especially during the new moon in Libra on September 25. You’ll be able to figure out how you feel (and vice versa) about the major romantic players in your life then.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For September 2022

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A huge shift within your friend group occurs during September 10’s full moon. If you feel as though your squad has gone cold—the opposite is true. Issues that exist between you all began when Venus glided into Virgo on September 5 and Mercury’s backwards shift on September 9. The unbalanced and frenetic cosmic energies are causing havoc, but will be resolved from the lovely vibes the new moon bestows upon your relationships on September 25 and Venus’s entrance into Libra on September 29. The month ends with understanding within your crew that strengthens the foundation of these relationships.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For September 2022

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Your love life will be romantically charged during the last half of the month, but that doesn’t necessarily equate to smooth sailing. As the full moon soared through Pisces on September 10, you’ll likely feel as though your crush is being inconsistent with you, which will drum up feelings of uncertainty and perhaps a touch of insecurity (thank you very much, Mercury retrograde). It will be very important to give people the benefit of the doubt right now, but if you are still feeling somewhat confused, then try moving on toward greener, more stable pastures during September 25’s new moon.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For September 2022

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Your words may get you a little tongue twisted and tied during Mercury’s retrograde which commences on September 9, confusing everyone’s emotions—even yours. The full moon on September 10 makes it hard not to form an intense bond with another. Being that there is so much love in the air, it would be hard not to fall into something deeper. If you’re not in the midst of a romantic prospect, use these vibes to practice some radical self love, so you can usher in a dream partner who fills your heart with love during the new moon in Libra on September 25.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For September 2022

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Expect the unexpected, when the full moon cozies up to wildcard Uranus on September 10. You may find that people aren’t respectful of your boundaries on this day, which could inspire you to fly under the radar for a night or two. Meanwhile, the full moon will amplify a desire to lay low and avoid the drama. Take time to yourself for quiet introspection. It might not feel like the most romantically exciting month, but if you’re gentle with yourself and embrace the peace you need—you could be ready for love by the new moon on September 25.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For September 2022

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It’s okay for someone as rational as you to believe in the fairytale and happily ever after, but these vibes won’t help you maintain a pragmatic disposition when it comes to matters of the heart. If there are any relationship patterns you’d like to break, use the energy from September 10’s full moon to set intentions. Mercury, who is your ruling planet, aligns with your sun on September 23 when retrograde. This planetary placement will boost your intuition, so if your gut starts giving you relationship advice, take heed and use it to your benefit during September 25’s new moon.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For September 2022

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Surprises within the romance department will manifest when Mercury retrograde connects with your sun on September 9. Whether you’re ghosted by your crush, hear from an ex, or receive an unwanted declaration of affection—pace yourself for things to get weirder during the full moon on the following day. Before you take any steps towards remedying these situations, it’s important to proceed with caution—set healthy boundaries and proceed with caution. It is important that you don’t reveal all of your cards at once when September 25’s new moon and Venus align with your sun on September 29.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For September 2022

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Serendipitous encounters will lead you towards a fated connection during September 10’s full moon, when the moon forms a sweet connection with the Nodes of Fate. With this energy present, your future can change within the blink of an eye, so be on the lookout for new paths to take in love. These vibes also bode well for embracing romance. If you have been teetering towards starting and cultivating a new relationship—you could get pushed one way or another. If you are already in a partnership, September 25’s new moon is a time to recommit to your boo.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For September 2022

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The month ahead could get a little rocky for your love life, dear Sagittarius, as Mercury’s backwards spin that begins on September 9 and the Pieces full moon on September 10 pushes you to become overly critical of yourself or your crush. Do your best to find your center on these days and be sure to remind yourself of how kind, generous, and overall fabulous you are. Luckily, love won’t feel like such a challenge later in the month when the new moon on September 25 and Venus’s entrance into Libra on September 29 soften up your heart and words.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For September 2022

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Mistakes from past relationships can resurface during the full moon on September 10, when the Pisces moon faces off with Neptune retrograde, illuminating old wounds. Watch out for dramatic encounters with an ex partner (something that has been nonstop since Mercury retrograde began on September 9) and try not to let anger over things that have already transpired bring your mood down. If you must revisit unpleasant memories, use them as motivation to evolve through any relationship patterns that didn’t work out in your favor during the new moon on September 25. Reset your heart and let the past go.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For September 2022

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If you’re on the hunt for love, try finding a special interests group to link up with during September 10’s full moon. The energy here will make it easy for you to connect with others—especially when it comes to shared interests or artistic outlets, helping you lay a solid foundation for relationships to grow. The new moon on September 25 will also act as a patricianly dreamy day, helping you open your heart to others over the things that make you feel inspired. You’ll reap the benefits of this cosmic climate, making it easy to charm your crush. 

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For September 2022

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You have been indulging in a flirtation with an ex recently, the full moon in Pisces on September 10 brings you a sultry desire to unite, as the lunation will urge you to take steps towards forging a deeper connection with another. Mercury’s backwards spin in the relationship sector of your chart that begins on September 23 will make you find them simply irresistible over the next few weeks. However, it won’t be until the new moon on September 25 when the romance becomes extra electric, making you wonder why you ever parted ways in the first place. The connection will become intoxicating and intense.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For September 2022

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