Why Are So Many Young People Joining Labor Unions?

A growing number of young people are joining and forming labor unions. Some call them “Generation U.” The New York Times dubbed the phenomenon the “Revolt of the College-Educated Working Class.”

Coming of age during the Great Recession, Occupy, and Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaigns, those under 35 overwhelmingly approve of organized labor—77 percent, according to a Gallup poll. Coinciding with a more supportive National Labor Relations Board, this wave has had tremendous consequences, with over 2,500 union petitions filed in 2022 alone.

We talked to some of these young people—in tech, retail, food service, and more—about their working conditions and what brought them to the labor movement. This conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Paige Oamek: What’s your earliest memory of hearing about unions?

Damon, 23, UPS Teamster Local 544, Nebraska: My stepdad. He’s been a blue-collar industrial mechanic my whole life. He’d tell me it’s really important to have a union behind you to protect you.

Carmi, 17, Pharmacy technician, Georgia: I know we learned about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in school, but nothing really current-day. Then, when I started working at Walgreens, there was a pretty robust community of people on Reddit who work there. I think that’s when I first found out about Walgreens’ being pretty anti-union. We all kind of know that Walgreens is just out to screw their employees in any way that they can.

Ellie, 18, College student, Vermont: During my senior year of high school, when I was working at Starbucks, the first Starbucks started to unionize, and then it was shortly after that we had a lot of posters go up at my workplace in the break room. They were basically saying “know what you’re signing up for and what you’re paying for,” and that was really the first time that it was brought to my attention. It was a preemptive thing. I remember taking a picture of it and sending it to my family group chat and saying, “Whoa, it almost feels like they’re very close to discouraging us from signing anything.”

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