Ukraine using ‘crazy’ North Korean rockets against Russia | World | News

Ukraine has been using “crazy” rockets built in North Korea against Russia.

The respective regimes ruled by Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin have been forging closer ties of late – and seemingly creating a ‘horror alliance’ with China. However, it has emerged that North Korean arms have been used by Ukrainian troops operating Soviet-era Grad multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS).

Photos show the munitions being deployed near the devastated city of Bakhmut. There are conflicting reports about how the munitions ended up in Ukrainian hands.

North Korea had previously denied supplying Russia with arms to be used in Ukraine. But Ukraine’s defence ministry has suggested that the rockets were taken from Russian forces.

Yuriy Sak, an adviser to Ukraine’s defence minister, said: “We capture their tanks, we capture their equipment and it is very possible that this is also the result of the Ukrainian army successfully conducting a military operation.”

“Russia has been shopping around for different types of munitions in all kinds of tyrannies, including North Korea and Iran,” he added.

However, the Ukrainian soldiers using the munitions claimed they had been “seized” from a ship by an unnamed but “friendly” country. They were then said to have been delivered to Ukraine to be used in the fight against Putin’s forces.

However, it would appear the North Korean missiles are only being used as a weapon of last resort, of sorts. A Ukrainian artillery command told The Financial Times that his troops were not impressed with the North Korean rockets.

This is because they have a high dud rate, with many of the missiles misfiring or failing to explode. One Ukrainian fighter told the FT the rockets “are very unreliable and do crazy things sometimes”.

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