Now it’s ordinary women like us who are being CANCELLED by the trans lobby! First they came for celebrities like JK Rowling, but that wasn’t enough, say those who find themselves on the frontline of the gender debate war

Trans in Texas – The Atlantic

How the UK’s Metal Scene Became a Haven for Trans People

„Trans Widow“ beschreibt im Interview mit Michael Knowles die dunkle Seite der Ideologie

Die sozialen Medien explodieren, nachdem die „Black Trans Lives Matter“-Verpackung von Skittles viral geht

Biden Admin Cites ‘Community Tensions’ As Mandate To ‘Mediate’ School District’s Adoption Of Youngkin’s Trans Policies

Rapper Ne-Yo Doubles Down On Trans Comments After Backlash: ‘My Feelings On The Matter Are Mine’

Costa boycott over ‘trans man’ image on coffee van | UK | News