Der Tod von Nex Benedict zeigt, dass wir trans- und nichtbinäre Kinder im Stich lassen

Ist Moana Trans in „Moana 2“? Erklärung der Online-Gerüchte

UN trans health panel accused of CRONYISM: 80% of WHO’s ‘experts’ flagged for conflicts of interest – eyeing profits from hormones and sex-change ops they’re pushing as global standards

Die SNP hat eine Verschwörung zur Sabotage Großbritanniens und die Durchsetzung des verhassten Plans im Deal mit der Labour-Partei versäumt | Politik | Nachricht

Teacher jailed indefinitely for refusing to ‘call a boy a girl’: Enoch Burke who wouldn’t use trans pupil’s pronouns won’t be released until he stays away from his old school – and the ‘country is behind him’

Miss Nicaragua wins Miss Universe 2023 at pageant full of firsts including two trans contestants, a plus-sized model and a burkini in the swimsuit round

Tory-Abgeordnete brechen in offenen Krieg wegen Verbot der Konversionstherapie aus | Politik | Nachricht

Now it’s ordinary women like us who are being CANCELLED by the trans lobby! First they came for celebrities like JK Rowling, but that wasn’t enough, say those who find themselves on the frontline of the gender debate war