Every day, girls would report degrading, painful sex – unaware they’d been raped. Boys wanted to tick off sex acts like a video game: Horror stories from a youth sex adviser that lay bare the cost of hardcore porn on Britain’s teens

Exercise slashes cancer risk, experts warn of tick bite allergies, and women struggle to find maternity care

Scientists discover ‘variant-proof’ antibodies that can neutralize every strain of Covid – as virus rates tick up across US amid ‘late summer wave’

CDC Warns Of ‘Emerging’ Illness Caused By Tick Bite That Causes ‘Potentially Life-Threatening’ Allergy To Red Meat

Chelsea sweating as Lukaku sale one of four things Pochettino must tick off | Football | Sport

Die Zecken gewinnen – The Atlantic

Ex-Bundesanwalt prognostiziert für Trump 2023 „Endlich Tick Tack“.

Elon Musk sagt 8 $ monatliche Gebühr für Twitter Blue Tick