Teen loner who terrified classmates and threatened to rip the unborn baby from a pregnant woman before killing his own sister: Connor Gibson posted tributes to sister he murdered – after changing his Facebook picture to a devil brandishing a bloody knife

On Killing Charles Dickens, by Zadie Smith

Robert Smith is granted parole 12 years after killing Kiesha Abrahams

‘Texas Killing Fields’: Clyde Hedricks Freund teilt neue Details im ungeklärten Fall der Tochter des EquuSearch-Gründers mit

The Crisis Killing Black Women

Murdaugh trial live: Alex suggested ‘a farmhand with links to the FBI’ was responsible for killing

Was steckt hinter „Killing Me Softly With His Song“?

Elon Musk’s Neuralink has been ‘mutilating and killing monkeys’

World leaders plot response after missile hits Poland, killing two

„Killing Me Softly“-Sängerin Roberta Flack hat ALS, die es „unmöglich macht zu singen“