Einer von DREI Menschen wird mit einem „stillen Killer“ niedergestreckt, obwohl sein Gesundheitszustand stark ansteigt

ENTHÜLLT: Wie die Armee psychologische Tricks einsetzt, um junge Soldaten in rücksichtslose Killer zu verwandeln, so ein Experte für psychische Gesundheit von Veteranen

Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game honors a cult classic

I see killer aliens in my sleep: The terrifying symptoms of sleep paralysis, and the mysterious deaths of the 100 men who suffered from the phenomenon

California killer whales’ violent hunting techniques like tail slapping and headbutting are revealed by scientists who studied mysterious group of predators for 16 years

What happened to The Serpent’s lover Marie-Andrée Leclerc? ‘Naïve’ French Canadian tourist became so besotted with French serial killer, who murdered 20 backpackers in the 1970s, that she ended up being his willing accomplice

Vier Millionen Briten leben mit dem „stillen Killer“ Bluthochdruck, warnt der NHS

From killer cantaloupe to bacteria-infested beef: Watchdog names the 10 most dangerous food recalls and poisoning outbreaks of 2023

Putin’s worst nightmare: Even in death, Alexei Navalny proves to be Vladimir’s nemesis as huge crowds chant ‘Russia without Putin’ and ‘Putin is a killer’ during funeral in greatest challenge to Vladimir in years

The Killer Robots Are Here. It’s Time to Be Worried.