Pictured: Twelve jaw-dropping projects that will revolutionise Saudi Arabia, from an upside-down skyscraper with a secret entrance to the world’s largest floating structure and a $500bn ‘vertical Manhattan’

NYC mystery under investigation after possible human limb found floating off Staten Island

‘It’s not a floating prison!’ Sky News host slams charity chief’s ‘misleading’ barge claim | Politics | News

Republicans floating impeachment risk making unpopular Biden a ‘martyr,’ critics warn

Texas Gov. Abbott defends decision to build floating border wall amid immigration crisis

Space tourism firm is turning ships into floating spaceports

The ‘floating palace’ that England’s WAGs ‘will call home’ during the World Cup

World’s first FLOATING city! Designs show community being built in South Korea by 2025

Fotos der Woche: Grenadier Guards, Floating Island, Wrapped Arch

Pharoah Sanders und Floating Points treffen sich in der Atmosphäre