The frontrunners for the next European Commission – POLITICO

Snowcapped castles, frosty fairytale villages and spellbinding frozen lakes: Beautiful images that show how many of the world’s most iconic destinations look at their best… in winter

Die hübsche spanische Stadt, die bei britischen Touristen beliebt ist und den Spitznamen „Little Finland“ trägt | Reisenachrichten | Reisen

To ski or not to ski? Do both! Whizzing down slopes at these resorts is a joy – but for non-skiers they also offer monasteries, ice-fishing, torchlight hikes and much more…

Living Cities’ Summer Movie Club – POLITICO

Third racism scandal hits Finland’s government in space of a month – POLITICO

European Parliament set to grow by 15 MEPs in 2024 – POLITICO

How to navigate Spain’s EU presidency policy agenda like a pro – POLITICO

How US-made sniper ammunition ends up in Russian rifles – POLITICO

On the night watch – POLITICO