Ziel von Exercise Is Medicine ist es, Ihren Arzt dazu zu bringen, Ihre körperliche Aktivität zu beurteilen

XAND VAN TULLEKEN: Why I’m so worried that millions of people like my twin brother don’t exercise

Long COVID Breaks the Rules of Exercise

How exercise really is the antidote for ALL that ails you: The definitive evidence that shows just 20 minutes a day can help prevent almost every disease

Working mums going through the menopause who have reinvented themselves as fitness influencers… And they know EXACTLY how hard it is to find the time – and energy – to exercise

EVE SIMMONS asks… Does exercise REALLY make no difference in helping lose weight? As top experts wage war about the best way to burn calories

Exercise slashes cancer risk, experts warn of tick bite allergies, and women struggle to find maternity care

The Exercise That Changed My Relationship With My Body

‘I’m 52 but I’m ageing backward – I changed my life combining a certain diet and exercise’

This is how you can reap the benefits of exercise without even breaking a sweat, reveals DR MICHAEL MOSLEY