Meet Goldilocks, the breedless dog of the future: All breeds would merge into ONE within just five years without humans, expert claims – here’s what it would look like

Revealed: The popular dog breeds vets say you should AVOID buying because they have been cruelly overbred to look ‘cute’ – is yours one of them?

Explore the expected life spans of different dog breeds

Revealed: The UK’s most popular breeds of PUPPIES – so is your pooch on the list?

What are the smartest and dumbest cat breeds?

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are one of the UK’s favourite breeds after being listed as vulnerable in 2014

In einem Gated Paradise, Evil Breeds and Strikes

Humans Can’t Quit a Basic Myth About Dog Breeds

Why owner spent $200,000 on her French bulldog – amid calls for Australia to BAN deformed breeds